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Week commencing 3rd February

Our focused story for the next two weeks is called, ‘Goldilocks’ and The Three Bears’. We will introduce the story first by just using the props before reading the story and doing other activities that link to the story, such as colour mixing, colour recognition and sorting. Once we introduce the book at story time, we will put the story resources out in the classroom for the children to explore, re-call and re-tell the story. 

Our focused words are;

Our focused song for the next two weeks called, ‘When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears. 

The children are fascinated with the colour monster, talking about it in their play and at group times and linking the colour of their clothes they are wearing and their toothbrushes to the appropriate colour monster! To embed and support their learning, we have added images to the easel and mark making table with the corresponding colours in felt tip pens and paint to encourage them to make purposeful marks linking to the colour monster and how he is feeling. We have also added the resources that we used to tell the story in to the provision for the children to play, explore and recall the language used in the story.

In the sensory tray we have added porridge, oats, 3 different sized bowls, spoons, 3 wooden bears and Goldilocks for the children to re-enact what happens in the story and use key vocab such as big, small and tiny.



October 2022

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October 2022

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