Curriculum Development
We are proud that our school is both reflective and evolving. We always consider learning opportunities suited to our children and develop our Teaching and Nursery Environment to support this.
Developing our Music Curriculum and Provision
We have developed a Music and Movement Room with opportunities for dance, storytelling, listening, relaxation and music making.
We worked together to review the Music Development Matters by Nicola Burke and made a Curriculum Framework that challenges and excited our children.
This includes increased opportunities for yoga and relaxation.
Including a broader range of musical genres in our daily listening
Developing more opportunities for children to self select the music they enjoy.
Increasing the opportunities for children to explore rhythm, pitch and timbre when responding to sound and creating their own music.
Including light, darkness and sensory stimulation in musical activities.
A Climbing Platform in the 2-3 years Little Garden
We noticed that our younger children needed more challenge for using steps. Our Understanding the World teaching and learning has been enhanced by the chance for children to look out and down from their platform.
Waiting a turn to go down the slide is important learning too!
Maintaining Speech & Language Training
As new staff and trainees join us, we work hard to ensure that all staff have an understanding of Speech and Language development, through ELKAN approaches.
Mrs Bostock has become a lead trainer for Lincolnshire Local Authority and can support practitioners in Early Language and Mathematics.
Using Colourful Semantics allows all children to hear key language revisited and supports children in speech and Early Reading. All our staff are supported to understanding this key teaching approach.
Talking tubs are hugely valuable in using authentic opportunities to talk, listen and develop communication. The staff team regularly share their approaches with the team. We make our own tubs and baskets relevant to the children's learning and interests.